Monday, 14 May 2012

Gay Rights are Human Rights

Over 80 countries around the world currently have sodomy laws or other laws criminalizing homosexuality. Apart from the essential violation of criminalizing this sexual conduct, these laws empower police and other authorities to abuse, harass, estort, imprison and execute people whose sexual orientation, gender identity or expression differs from the dominant "normal". eliminating sodomy laws is fundamental in passing on a universal vision of human rights and decriminalizing homosexuality.

It is everyones responsibility to understand that all human beings are born into this society with rights that give us power, they give us the ability to control the outcomes of our lives and we as a society are not giving this specific group of people the oppertunity to grasp these rights rendered to them at birth.

The sooner we as a society accept and promote LGBTQ rights, is the sooner we will be on the way to decriminalizing homosexuality and providing this group of people with the rights they deserve as       human beings.                                                                                                                                         


  1. How do sodomy laws and other laws criminalizing homosexuality allow the police or high authorities the opportunity to be bias towards homosexuals? What are these laws all about, what are some key aspects involved within these laws?

  2. You raise a lot of issues within a few words - sodomy laws in the developing world, same-sex marriage debate in the US, and LGBTQ rights as human rights. Will you discuss all of these issues or just focus on a few ?

  3. Hi Mike,

    I'm wondering what the cause of these laws are. Obviously, homophobic attitudes are a part of it, but what has created those attitudes or beliefs? It seems there is a cycle; homophobia causes these laws, and in turn the laws create more homophobia and so forth. Clearly these laws will not go away easily, but as you said acceptance will be part of the solution.

    I came across an article that directly relates to your topic:
    The article talks about how the Malawi president plans to remove the ban on homosexuality in her country. This is a big deal considering most of Africa treats homosexuality as a crime. The gay rights movement across Africa could be an interesting topic for you to explore in your blog.

  4. Hi Mike, I really enjoy reading your blog because it lets us know how far we really have come with acceptance. And I agree that everyone is a living human so we should all be in tilted to the same rights. A suggestion I have is adding a timeline from when same sex marriage was forbidden, when it was being fought for and when it was first accepted and so on with other related issues. From reading the other comments I am also wondering about the causes of the law on homophobia ?
