Wednesday, 2 May 2012

What is Homophobia and Where did it originate?

Homophobia is defined as an extreme and irrational aversion towards homosexuality and homosexual people. Or simple just the hatred or fear of homosexuals. The word "Homophobia" was used for the first time in the 1960's by George Weinberg.

                                                                                               George Weinberg
                                                                                               (Google Images)

George Weinberg is an American Psychologist with a doctorate in clinical psychology and degrees in English and mathematics. Weinberg used the word "homophobia" to clarify that people who are prejudice against homosexuals are suffering from a psychological malady, or an irrational state of mind. Though being heterosexual himself, Weinberg became a successful leader in the struggle to remove homosexuality as a diagnostic category in the professional therapeutic handbook. One can call him an activist for the rights of  homosexuals.

Homophobia stems from individual social and systematic prejudice. Like all attitudes and behaviours based on predudice and hatred, such as sexism mysogyny and racism, homophobia has no real foundation. It comes from one's and society's inability to cope with the differences of others, which can be seen as a threat to individuals then eventually to society in general.


  1. Michael, your choice of worlds in this blog assignment were very sophisticated. Your writing techniques were able to capture the eyes of your audience."It comes from one's and society's inability to cope with the differences of others, which can be seen as a threat to individuals then eventually to society in general". This sentence was very appealing, and i strongly agree with the statement. I believe that the reasoning behind the injustices towards the gay community is due to the inability to cope with a new way of life. What do you think some key problems are revolving around the issue of homophobia? Personally, i was wondering what your opinion on homophobia is?


  2. Hi Mike,

    Your information about George Weinberg was really interesting, for example the fact that he is heterosexual. It made me think of feminists because there's a stereotype(or belief)that all feminists are women, when in fact men can be feminists too. Some men are afraid to openly support gay rights because their sexuality or masculinity might be questioned. What do you think?

  3. Mike, I enjoyed the start of your blog. I found it helpful that you defined what homophobia was before going on to facts. I found it very interesting that George Weinberg was heterosexual but would also make sense with the comment that made him a good leader because he was standing up for others. I find it very unfortunate that there is not foundation in homophobia. Do yo find it interesting that homophobia is classified as suffering from a psychological malady but yet people are expected to deal with it themselves?
